Thursday, July 10, 2008

It was an amazing trip

It was an amazing trip. We are helping to put up a clinic, and we helped open up a preschool, helped fix up two schools, and we handed out a lot of Bags of Hope. Also, while we were there, we met two other amazing contacts. We were able to meet with Katherine (an older Malawian lady who is running alot of preschools and a women's internation network and is still going at the age of 73), and Mick & Tracy who started off as being our Safari guides. With them we are doing the preschool and the clinic. And with katherine, we've been helping the kids of her preschools by giving them Bags of Hope, sweaters and underwear. And with katherine we helped a group with HIV by giving them food and supplies. We also have known that Katherine has started up a damn for a community with fish to eat and water to water their crops. And in that, she also stopped the community from low water flooding. Like I said it was an amazing trip and I'm glad to be back - but at the same time I'm not. I really hope I can go back in two years and see all the people of Malawi again. Bye for now!


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